Gaming technology makes new telescopes flexible, cheap and fast

Computer gamers will be familiar with the technology of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs): they power the ultra-fast, ultra-realistic graphics for modern computer games. Out of this mass market for incredibly high performance rendering of graphics in gaming, GPUs have...

MWA and Parkes data confirm broadband nature of giant pulses

Crab pulsar is a relatively young pulsar situated in the central region of the Crab nebula. Its giant pulses are short duration radio bursts consisting of complex superpositions of nanosecond- and microsecond-scale bursts, occurring only at the main-pulse and the...

Solution to FRB conundrum also reveals clues about their origin

Since first reported in 2007, the origin of the bright, millisecond-duration pulses known as Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) has remained a mystery to astronomers. There have been more theories proposed to explain them than the 17 events so far detected. Where do they come...