Confirming the surprise: the many successes of dark energy

The idea that dark energy makes up 70% of the energy of the universe seems ludicrous at first sight (pun intended!).  How is it that we’re so confident of so much that we cannot see? CAASTRO Chief Investigator and “The Dark Universe” leader Professor...

CAASTRO student mixing with best and brightest in Lindau

This week CAASTRO PhD student Joseph (Joe) Callingham will encounter more Nobel Laureates than most of us would in a lifetime, at the 66th Lindau Meeting in Germany (26 June – 1 July). Every year since 1951 between 30 and 40 Nobel Laureates in science have met with...

Local gravitational environment a proxy for expanding Universe

The large-scale structure of the Universe provides one of our most powerful tests of the cosmological model, encoding a wealth of information about the expansion history of the Universe – imprinted as a standard ruler in baryon acoustic oscillations – and its...

Cosmic hydrogen gas has not evolved over past four billion years

Understanding the evolution of the atomic gas (HI) content of galaxies remains one of the key challenges in the study of galaxy evolution. The sensitivity of the current generation of radio telescopes is insufficient to detect HI from individual galaxies at...