Simulated supernovae match many observations but lack diversity

Supernovae are dramatic explosions that occur at the end of the lives of certain types of star. These events are intensely energetic, ejecting debris with speeds of tens-of-thousands of kilometers per second and radiating, albeit briefly, with luminosities billions of...

Simulated galaxy clusters show complexity of identifying centre

Cosmological structure formation models assume lower mass systems to merge to form more massive structures, with galaxy clusters representing the final state of this process. These clusters are not only good cosmological probes but also valuable laboratories for...

Variability of radio sources due to black hole activity

The universe is a violent and dynamic environment – dramatic changes in the brightness of an object on a variety of timescales are often an indicator that extreme astrophysical processes are taking place, or that the intervening medium is severely affecting the...


An Opportunity to Participate in LSST The LSST is a new kind of telescope. Currently under construction in Chile, the LSST is designed to conduct a ten-year survey of the dynamic universe. In its first month of operation, the LSST will see more of the Universe than...

Ex-CAASTRO student wins 2015 Canon Extreme Imaging competition

Canon supports the next generation of students developing imaging technologies of the future CiSRA announces the winners of the 2015 Extreme Imaging competition at DICTA From texture-based weed recognition technology that automates weed control, to a device that...