Faintest hisses reveal famous star’s past life

Astronomers have managed to peer into the past of a nearby star millions of years before its famous explosion, using a telescope in remote outback Australia at a site free from FM radio interference. Research led by a student at the University of Sydney and including...

Hydrogen in distant galaxy smashes cosmic records

An international team of scientists has pushed the limits of radio astronomy to detect a faint signal emitted by hydrogen gas in a galaxy more than five billion light years away – almost double the previous record. Using the Very Large Array of the National Radio...

Capturing the Cosmos

Imagine being able to see more than astronomers have ever been able to see before. What would it be like to peer back in cosmic time, into the vast blackness of space and witness how the universe has evolved into what we see around us today? There’s a whole lot of sky...

Host galaxy of mysterious bright burst identified

An international team of scientists – the CAASTRO-led SUPERB collboration – has identified the precise location of a very rare explosive event, called a fast radio burst (FRB) in a distant galaxy, for the first time. Using a combination of radio and optical...

Hidden galaxies behind the Milky Way discovered

Hundreds of hidden nearby galaxies have been studied for the first time, shedding light on a mysterious gravitational anomaly dubbed the Great Attractor. Despite being just 250 million light years from Earth — very close in astronomical terms — the new galaxies had...