Astronomers set to see entire Universe

Tamara Davis … contemplating the limits of space and time. Photo: University of Queensland Astronomers will soon become ‘know-it-alls’. Literally. In the next few decades, astronomers will see almost everything in the Universe that can be seen, says Associate...

Dark matters to be discussed in Great Western

Astronomers look for dark matter in space, and physicists look for it underground, but both groups will be talking about it in Great Western in central Victoria from this Sunday [28 September 2014]. ARC Centres of Excellence CoEPP and CAASTRO will join forces with...

See stars with Dr Karl at Uluru

Dr Karl Kruzselnicki, known to millions of Australians as the ‘face of science’, will spend this weekend [22–24 August 2014] at Uluru guiding visitors around the rich skies of outback Australia. He’s well qualified to do so. The popular broadcaster...

Aussies pioneer ‘Google street view’ of galaxies

A new home-grown instrument based on bundles of optical fibres is giving Australian astronomers the first ‘Google street view’ of the cosmos—incredibly detailed views of huge numbers of galaxies. Developed by researchers at the University of Sydney and the...

Galactic lens yields precision pulsar measurement

Astronomers harness the galaxy’s biggest telescope to make most precise measurement of spinning star An international team of astronomers has made a measurement of a distant neutron star that is one million times more precise than the previous world’s best. The...